Tuesday 17 March 2009

right i think that the subject for this blog is "where i want to be in the future".
Now I know that most people who have come through this course have always said the want to go into game design, making games and the such like. Now don't get me wrong i do too but there are other things i want for my future too.
I don't just want to go into a games company, I would be happy in most jobs, and grateful. I would be more grateful if the job i did get was in the industry i had trained for 3 years to be in, but a jobs a job, i suppose.

I however also want other, non job related stuff like a family, i mean Ive always thought that its quite pointless having a career if your going to die alone, wow that's quite morbid but that's how i feel, and since this blogs about careers, i wont keep talking about it.

Drawing for me has always been very important and as far as i can remember all I've ever really done is draw and sketch, also all I've ever really wanted was to draw for a living.
when i was younger i remember saying that i wanted to be an artist and this course is just me narrowing that fields of work down.

So i suppose in all, i would love to ultimately end up in a career which involves drawing, but i suppose the recent times any job is something to be grateful for.
and I'm sorry if this blog hasn't been as long as some of the others but this subject of "the future" scares me a bit.

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